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NEET - October 2020 Previous Year Questions

NEET Biology Previous Year Questions - October 2020

In the polynucleotide chain of DNA, a nitrogenous base is linked to the –OH of:

[class-xii ]

  • 2'C pentose sugar
  • 3'C pentose sugar
  • 5'C pentose sugar
  • 1'C pentose sugar
  • Correct Option: D  [ 1'C pentose sugar ]


The term 'Nuclein' for the genetic material was used by:

[class-xii ]

  • Franklin
  • Meischer
  • Chargaff
  • Mendel
  • Correct Option: B  [ Meischer ]


Identify the statement which is incorrect.

[class-xii ]

  • Sulphur is an integral part of cysteine.
  • Glycine is an example of lipids.
  • Lecithin contains phosphorus atom in its structure.
  • Tyrosine possesses aromatic ring in its structure.
  • Correct Option: B  [ Glycine is an example of lipids. ]


Which is the basis of genetic mapping of human genome as well as DNA finger printing?

[class-xii ]

  • Polymorphism in DNA sequence
  • Single nucleotide polymorphism
  • Polymorphism in hnRNA sequence
  • Polymorphism in RNA sequence
  • Correct Option: A  [ Polymorphism in DNA sequence ]


After about how many years of formation of earth, life appeared on this planet?

[class-xii ]

  • 500 billion years
  • 50 million years
  • 500 million years
  • 50 billion years
  • Correct Option: C  [ 500 million years ]


Embryological support for evolution was proposed by:

[class-xii ]

  • Ernst Heckel
  • Karl Ernst von Baer
  • Charles Darwin
  • Alfred Wallace
  • Correct Option: A  [ Ernst Heckel ]


The phenomenon of evolution of different species in a given geographical area starting from a point and spreading to other habitats is called:

[class-xii ]

  • Saltation
  • Co-evolution
  • Natural selection
  • Adaptive radiation
  • Correct Option: D  [ Adaptive radiation ]


A Hominid fossil discovered in Java in 1891, now extinct, having cranial capacity of about 900 cc was:

[class-xii ]

  • Homo erectus
  • Neanderthal man
  • Homo sapiens
  • Australopithecus
  • Correct Option: A  [ Homo erectus ]


Match the following columns and select the correct option:

Column-I Column-II
(I)Typhoid (A)Haemophilus influenzae
(II)Malaria (B)Wuchereria bancrofti
(III)Pneumonia (C)Plasmodium vivax
(IV)Filariasis (D)Salmonella typhi

[class-xii ]

  • (I)-(D), (II)-(C), (III)-(A), (IV)-(B)
  • (I)-(C), (II)-(D), (III)-(B), (IV)-(A)
  • (I)-(A), (II)-(C), (III)-(B), (IV)-(D)
  • (I)-(A), (II)-(B), (III)-(D), (IV)-(C)
  • Correct Option: A  [ (I)-(D), (II)-(C), (III)-(A), (IV)-(B) ]


The yellowish fluid "colostrum" secreted by mammary glands of mother during the initial days of lactation has abundant antibodies (IgA) to protect the infant. This type of immunity is called as:

[class-xii ]

  • Passive immunity
  • Active immunity
  • Acquired immunity
  • Autoimmunity
  • Correct Option: A  [ Passive immunity ]
