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NEET - 2019 Previous Year Questions

NEET Biology Previous Year Questions - 2019

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

[class-xii ]

  • Morels and truffles are edible delicacies.
  • Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long threadlike hyphae.
  • Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids and LSD.
  • Conidia are produced exogenously and ascospores endogenously.
  • Correct Option: B  [ Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long threadlike hyphae. ]


Which one of the following statements regarding post-fertilization development in flowering plants is incorrect?

[class-xii ]

  • Ovules develop into embryo sac
  • Ovary develops into fruit
  • Zygote develops into embryo
  • Central cell develops into endosperm
  • Correct Option: A  [ Ovules develop into embryo sac ]


Is some plants, the female gamete develops into embryo without fertilization. This phenomenon is known as:

[class-xii ]

  • Parthenogenesis
  • Syngamy
  • Parthenocarpy
  • Autogamy
  • Correct Option: A  [ Parthenogenesis ]


Select the correct sequence of transport of sperm cells in male reproductive system:

[class-xii ]

  • Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra → Urethral meatus
  • Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Rete testis → Inguinal canal → Urethra
  • Seminiferous tubules → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Inguinal canal → Urethra
  • Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Inguinal canal ® Urethra ® Urethral meatus
  • Correct Option: A  [ Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra → Urethral meatus ]


What is the fate of the male gametes discharged in the synergid?

[class-xii ]

  • One fuses with the egg and other fuses with central cell nuclei.
  • One fuses with the egg, other(s) fuse(s) with synergid nucleus.
  • All fuse with the egg.
  • One fuses with the egg, other(s) degenerate(s) in the synergid.
  • Correct Option: A  [ One fuses with the egg and other fuses with central cell nuclei. ]


Extrusion of second polar body from egg nucleus occurs:

[class-xii ]

  • simultaneously with first cleavage
  • before entry of sperm into ovum
  • after fertilization
  • after entry of sperm but before fertilization
  • Correct Option: D  [ after entry of sperm but before fertilization ]


Colostrum, the yellowish fluid, secreted by mother during the initial days of lactation is very essential to impart immunity to the newborn infants because it contains:

[class-xii ]

  • Immunoglobulin A
  • Macrophages
  • Monocytes
  • Natural killer cells
  • Correct Option: A  [ Immunoglobulin A ]


Select the hormone-releasing Intra-Uterine Devices?

[class-xii ]

  • Lippes Loop, Multiload 375
  • Progestasert, LNG-20
  • Multiload 375, Progestasert
  • Vaults, LNG-20
  • Correct Option: B  [ Progestasert, LNG-20 ]


[class-xii ]

  • Pills, Emergency contraceptives, Barrier methods
  • CuT, Pills, Emergency contraceptives
  • Barrier method, Lactational amenorrhea, Pills
  • Lactational amenorrhea, Pills, Emergency contraceptives
  • Correct Option: D  [ Lactational amenorrhea, Pills, Emergency contraceptives ]


In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower was crossed with a white flower and in F1 generation, pink flowers were obtained. When pink flowers were selfed, the F2 generation showed white, red and pink flowers.
Choose the incorrect statement from the following :

[class-xii ]

  • Law of Segregation does not apply in this experiment.
  • Ratio of F2 is ¼ (Red): 2/4 (Pink): ¼ (White)
  • Pink colour in F1 is due to incomplete dominance.
  • This experiment does not follow the Principle of Dominance
  • Correct Option: A  [ Law of Segregation does not apply in this experiment. ]
