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NEET Zoology MCQs: Class-XI and Class-XII

NEET Zoology MCQs: Class-XI and Class-XII

Tidal Volume and Expiratory Reserve Volume of an athlete is 500 mL and 1000 mL respectively. What will be his Expiratory Capacity if the Residual Volume is 1200 mL?

[class-xi ]

  • 1700 mL
  • 2200 mL
  • 2700 mL
  • 1500 mL
  • Correct Option: D  [ 1500 mL ]


Which would be the heart rate of a person if the cardiac output is 5L, blood volume in the ventricles at the end of diastole is 100 mL and at the end of ventricular systole is 50 mL?

[class-xi ]

  • 50 beats per minute
  • 100 beats per minute
  • 75 beats per minute
  • 125 beats per minute
  • Correct Option: B  [ 100 beats per minute ]


Match the Column - I with Column -II

Column-I Column-II
(A)P-wave (I)Depolarisation of ventricles
(B)QRS complex (II)Repolarisation of ventricles
(C)T-wave (III)Coronary ischemia
(D)Reduction in the size of T-wave (IV)Depolarisation of atria
(V)Repolarisation of atria
Select the correct option:

[class-xi ]

  • (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(V), (D)-(IV)
  • (A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(V)
  • (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(V), (D)-(III)
  • (A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
  • Correct Option: D  [ (A)-(IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III) ]


Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of concentrated urine?

[class-xi ]

  • Low levels of antidiuretic hormone.
  • Secretion of erythropoietin by juxtaglomerular complex.
  • Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys.
  • Hydrostatic pressure during glomerular filtration.
  • Correct Option: C  [ Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys. ]


Use of an artificial kidney during hemodialysis may result in:
(A) Nitrogenous waste build-up in the body
(B) Non-elimination of excess potassium ions
(C) Reduced absorption of calcium ions from gastrointestinal tract
(D) Reduced RBC production
Which of the following options is the most appropiate?

[class-xi ]

  • (A) and (B) are correct
  • (B) and (C) are correct
  • (A) and (D) are correct
  • (C) and (D) are correct
  • Correct Option: D  [ (C) and (D) are correct ]


Select the correct option.

[class-xi ]

  • 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum.
  • There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal, three pairs of vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral ribs.
  • 11th and 12thpairs of ribs are connected to the sternum with the help of hyaline cartilage.
  • Each rib is a flat thin bone and all the ribs are connected dorsally to the thoracic vertebrae and ventrally to the sternum.
  • Correct Option: B  [ There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal, three pairs of vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral ribs. ]


Which of the following muscular disorders is inherited ?

[class-xi ]

  • Tetany
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Botulism
  • Correct Option: C  [ Muscular dystrophy ]


Which part of the brain is responsible for thermoregulation?

[class-xi ]

  • Hypothalamus
  • Cerebrum
  • Corpus callosum
  • Medulla oblongata
  • Correct Option: A  [ Hypothalamus ]


Which of the following statements is correct?

[class-xi ]

  • Cornea consists of dense connective tissue of elastin and can repair itself.
  • Cornea is an external, transparent and protective proteinacious covering of the eye-ball.
  • Cornea is convex, transparent layer which is highly vascularised.
  • Cornea consists of dense matrix of collagen and is the most sensitive portion of the eye.
  • Correct Option: B  [ Cornea is an external, transparent and protective proteinacious covering of the eye-ball. ]


Which of the following glucose transporters is insulin-dependent?

[class-xi ]

  • GLUT I
  • Correct Option: C  [ GLUT IV ]
