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Excretory Products and their Elimination: Class-XI

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NEET PYQs on Excretory Products and their Elimination: Class-XI

Given below are statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A: Nephrons are of two types: Cortical & Juxta medullary, based on their relative position in cortex and medulla.
Reason R: Juxta medullary nephrons have short loop of Henle whereas, cortical nephrons have longer loop of Henle.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

NEET-2023 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • A is false but R is true.
  • Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
  • Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
  • A is true but R is false
  • Correct Option: D  [ A is true but R is false ]


Which of the following statements are correct?
A.An excessive loss of body fluid from the body switches off osmoreceptors.
B.ADH facilitates water reabsorption to prevent diuresis.
C.ANF causes vasodilation.
D.ADH causes increase in blood pressure.
E.ADH is responsible for decrease in GFR.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

NEET-2023 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • C, D and E only
  • A and B only
  • B, C and D only
  • A, B and E only
  • Correct Option: C  [ B, C and D only ]


Nitrogenous waste is excreted in the form of pellet or paste by:

NEET-2022 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Salamandra
  • Hippocampus
  • Pavo
  • Ornithorhynchus
  • Correct Option: C  [ Pavo ]


The increase in osmolarity from outer to inner medullary interstitium is maintained due to:
I. Close proximity between Henle's loop and vasa recta
II. Counter current mechanism
III. Selective secretion of HCO3- and hydrogen ions in PCT
IV. Higher blood pressure in glomerular capillaries

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Only(II)
  • (III) and (IV)
  • (I), (II) and (III)
  • (I) and (II)
  • Correct Option: D  [ (I) and (II) ]


Select the correct statement:

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Atrial Natriuretic Factor increases the blood pressure.
  • Angiotensin II is a powerful vasodilator.
  • Counter current pattern of blood flow is not observed in vasa recta.
  • Reduction in Glomerular Filtration Rate activates JG cells to release renin.
  • Correct Option: D  [ Reduction in Glomerular Filtration Rate activates JG cells to release renin. ]


Presence of which of the following conditions in urine are indicative of Diabetes Mellitus?

NEET-(Sept)2020 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Uremia and Ketonuria
  • Uremia and Renal Calculi
  • Ketonuria and Glycosuria
  • Renal calculi and Hyperglycaemia
  • Correct Option: C  [ Ketonuria and Glycosuria ]


Which of the following would help in prevention of diuresis?

NEET-(Sept)2020 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • More water reabsorption due to undersecretion of ADH
  • Reabsorption of Na+ and water from renal tubules due to aldosterone
  • Atrial natriuretic factor causes vasoconstriction
  • Decrease in secretion of renin by JG cells
  • Correct Option: B  [ Reabsorption of Na+ and water from renal tubules due to aldosterone ]


Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of concentrated urine?

NEET-2019 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Low levels of antidiuretic hormone.
  • Secretion of erythropoietin by juxtaglomerular complex.
  • Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys.
  • Hydrostatic pressure during glomerular filtration.
  • Correct Option: C  [ Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys. ]


Use of an artificial kidney during hemodialysis may result in:
(A) Nitrogenous waste build-up in the body
(B) Non-elimination of excess potassium ions
(C) Reduced absorption of calcium ions from gastrointestinal tract
(D) Reduced RBC production
Which of the following options is the most appropiate?

NEET-2019 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • (A) and (B) are correct
  • (B) and (C) are correct
  • (A) and (D) are correct
  • (C) and (D) are correct
  • Correct Option: D  [ (C) and (D) are correct ]


Given below are two statements:

Statements I: In the nephron the descending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water and permeable to electrolytes.

Statement II: The proximal convoluted tubule is lined by simple columnar brush border epithelium and increases the surface area for reabsorption.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer fropm the options given below:

NEET-2024 [Excretory-Products-and-their-Elimination] [class-xi ]

  • Both Statement I and Statement II are false.
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are true
  • Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
  • Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
  • Correct Option: C  [ Statement I is false but Statement II is true. ]
