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NEET - 2022 Previous Year Questions

NEET Biology Previous Year Questions - 2022

Which of the following are not the effects of Parathyroid hormone?
A.Stimulates the process of bone resorption
B.Decreases Ca2+ level in blood
C.Reabsorption of Ca2+ by renal tubules
D.Decreases the absorption of Ca2+ from digested food
E.Increases metabolism of carbohydrates
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

NEET-2022 [Chemical-Coordination-and-Integration] [class-xi ]

  • B, D and E only
  • A and E only
  • B and C only
  • A and C only
  • Correct Option: A  [ B, D and E only ]


Match List-I with List-II with respect to methods of Contraception and their respective actions.

List-I List-II
(A)Diaphragms (I)Inhibit ovulation and Implantation
(B)Contraceptive Pills (II)Increase phagocytosis of sperm within Uterus
(C)Intra uterine Devices (III)Absence of Menstrual cycle and ovulation following parturition
(D)Lactational Amenorrhea (IV)They cover the cervix blocking the entry of sperms
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

NEET-2022 [Reproductive-Health] [class-xii ]

  • A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
  • A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
  • A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
  • A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
  • Correct Option: A  [ A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III ]


If a colour blind female marries a man whose mother was also colour blind, what are the chances of her progeny having colour blindness?

NEET-2022 [Principles of Inheritance and Variation] [class-xii ]

  • 50 %
  • 75 %
  • 100 %
  • 25 %
  • Correct Option: C  [ 100 % ]


Ten E.coli cells with 15N- dsDNA are incubated in medium containing 14N nucleotide. After 60 minutes, how many E.coli cells will have DNA totally free from 15N ?

NEET-2022 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • 40 cells
  • 60 cells
  • 80 cells
  • 20 cells
  • Correct Option: B  [ 60 cells ]


The recombination frequency between the genes a & c is 5%, b & c is 15%, b & d is 9%, a & b is 20%, c & d is 24% and a & d is 29%.
What will be the sequence of these genes on a linear chromosome ?

NEET-2022 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • d, b, a, c
  • a, b, c, d
  • a, c, b, d
  • a, d, b, c
  • Correct Option: C  [ a, c, b, d ]


Which of the following statements is not true?

NEET-2022 [Evolution] [class-xii ]

  • Sweet potato and potato is an example of analogy
  • Homology indicates common ancestry
  • Flippers of penguins and dolphins are a pair of homologous organs
  • Analogous structures are a result of convergent evolution
  • Correct Option: C  [ Flippers of penguins and dolphins are a pair of homologous organs ]


Select the incorrect statement with respect to acquired immunity.

NEET-2022 [Human-Health-and-Disease] [class-xii ]

  • Anamnestic response is elicited on subsequent encounters with the same pathogen.
  • Anamnestic response is due to memory of first encounter.
  • Acquired immunity is non-specific type of defense present at the time of birth.
  • Primary response is produced when our body encounters a pathogen for the first time.
  • Correct Option: C  [ Acquired immunity is non-specific type of defense present at the time of birth. ]


Which of the following is not a desirable feature of a cloning vector?

NEET-2022 [Biotechnology-Principles-and-Processes] [class-xii ]

  • Presence of a marker gene
  • Presence of single restriction enzyme site
  • Presence of two or more recognition sites
  • Presence of origin of replication
  • Correct Option: C  [ Presence of two or more recognition sites ]


Statements related to human Insulin are given below.
Which statement(s) is/ are correct about genetically engineered Insulin?
A. Pro-hormone insulin contain extra stretch of C-peptide
B. A-peptide and B-peptide chains of insulin were produced separately in E.coli, extracted and combined by creating disulphide bond between them.
C. Insulin used for treating Diabetes was extracted from Cattles and Pigs.
D. Pro-hormone Insulin needs to be processed for converting into a mature and functional hormone.
E. Some patients develop allergic reactions to the foreign insulin. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

NEET-2022 [Biotechnology-and-its-Applications] [class-xii ]

  • B only
  • C and D only
  • C, D and E only
  • A, B and D only
  • Correct Option: A  [ B only ]


Given below are two statements:
Statement I: In a scrubber the exhaust from the thermal plant is passed through the electric wires to charge the dust particles.
Statement II: Particulate matter (PM 2.5) can not be removed by scrubber but can be removed by an electrostatic precipitator.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

NEET-2022 [Environmental-Issues] [class-xii ]

  • Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
  • Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
  • Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
  • Correct Option: A  [ Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect ]
