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Molecular Basis of Inheritance: Class-XII

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MCQs on Molecular Basis of Inheritance: Class-XII for NEET Practice

Identify the correct statement.

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • In capping, methyl guanosine triphosphate is added to the 3' end of hnRNA.
  • RNA polymerase binds with Rho factor to terminate the process of transcription in bacteria.
  • The coding strand in a transcription unit is copied to an mRNA.
  • Split gene arrangement is characteristic of prokaryotes.
  • Correct Option: B  [ RNA polymerase binds with Rho factor to terminate the process of transcription in bacteria. ]


If Adenine makes 30% of the DNA molecule, what will be the percentage of Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine in it ?

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • T : 20; G : 30; C : 20
  • T : 20; G : 20; C : 30
  • T : 30; G : 20; C : 20
  • T : 20; G : 25; C : 25
  • Correct Option: C  [ T : 30; G : 20; C : 20 ]


Which is the "Only enzyme" that has "Capability" to catalyse Initiation, Elongation and Termination in the process of transcription in prokaryotes?

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • DNA dependent DNA polymerase
  • DNA dependent RNA polymerase
  • DNA Ligase
  • DNase
  • Correct Option: B  [ DNA dependent RNA polymerase ]


Which of the following RNAs is not required for the synthesis of protein?

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • mRNA
  • tRNA
  • rRNA
  • siRNA
  • Correct Option: D  [ siRNA ]


Statement I: The condon 'AUG' codes for methionine and phenylalanine.
Statement II: 'AAA' and 'AAG' both codons code for the amino acid lysine.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • Both statement I and Statement II are true.
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are false
  • Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
  • Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
  • Correct Option: D  [ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true ]


Which one of the following statements about Histones is wrong?

NEET-2021 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • Histones are organized to form a unit of 8 molecules.
  • The pH of histones is slightly acidic.
  • Histones are rich in amino acids - Lysine and Arginine.
  • Histones carry positive charge in the side chain.
  • Correct Option: B  [ The pH of histones is slightly acidic. ]


E.coli has only 4.6 × 106 base pairs and completes the process of replication within 18 minutes; then the average rate of polymerisation is approximately:

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • 2000 base pairs/second
  • 3000 base pairs/second
  • 4000 base pairs/second
  • 1000 base pairs/second
  • Correct Option: A  [ 2000 base pairs/second ]


Who coined the term 'Kinetin'?

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • Skoog and Miller
  • Darwin
  • Went
  • Kurosawa
  • Correct Option: A  [ Skoog and Miller ]


In the polynucleotide chain of DNA, a nitrogenous base is linked to the –OH of:

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • 2'C pentose sugar
  • 3'C pentose sugar
  • 5'C pentose sugar
  • 1'C pentose sugar
  • Correct Option: D  [ 1'C pentose sugar ]


The term 'Nuclein' for the genetic material was used by:

NEET-(Oct)2020 [Molecular-Basis-of-Inheritance] [class-xii ]

  • Franklin
  • Meischer
  • Chargaff
  • Mendel
  • Correct Option: B  [ Meischer ]
